Partial Dentures: Your Questions Answered

Walkinstown Dental Studio remains one of Ireland's best clinical Dental Technician practices. For decades we have taken pride in our fast, reliable and highly professional Prosthetic Dentistry services. We provide full dentures, and of course, we are one of the country's foremost experts on partial dentures.


With this kind of pedigree, our dental technician answers quite a few questions on partial dentures. Therefore, for the convenience of partial wearers, we've compiled some of the most common questions into the below list. If you have any inquiries not answered below, please get in touch with our clinic directly.

How do partial dentures work?

Partial dentures are a type of removable dental prosthesis that are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of a metal or acrylic base that is designed to fit snugly over the gums, with replacement teeth attached to the base. The replacement teeth are typically made of acrylic or porcelain and are shaped and coloured to match the natural teeth as closely as possible.

The partial dentures are held in place by metal clasps that attach to the remaining natural teeth. The clasps are designed to be as discreet as possible and are usually made of the same metal as the base. The partial dentures fill the gap left by the missing teeth, thus improving the appearance and function of the patient's smile. They also help to prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting or moving out of place.

It is important to note that partial dentures may require adjustments or relining as the shape of the gums and remaining teeth change over time, and regular check-ups with a dentist are recommended to ensure proper fit and function.

How to store partial dentures overnight?

Partial dentures should be stored in a clean, dry place overnight. They can be placed in a denture-soaking solution or a container filled with water to keep them from drying out. It's also essential to keep them in a secure place where they will not get lost or damaged. It is recommended to brush the dentures before storing them to remove any food particles or plaque.

How long after tooth extraction can I get partial dentures?

The timing of when you can get partial dentures after tooth extraction can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case and the healing process of your gums and jawbone. Generally speaking, it is best to wait for at least four to six weeks after the tooth extraction before getting partial dentures to allow enough time for the gums and jawbone to heal properly and avoid any complications.

During the healing period, your dentist will monitor the healing process and may take impressions of your gums to be used in the fabrication of your partial dentures. Once your gums have fully healed and your dentist determines that you are ready, they will take final impressions and make the partial dentures.

It's important to note that the healing process can vary from person to person, and in some cases, the healing process may take longer than four to six weeks.

In any case, it is essential that you follow your dentist's instructions for post-extraction care and follow-up visits to ensure proper healing and to avoid any complications that may delay or prevent getting the partial dentures.

How long do partial dentures take to make?

The time it takes to make partial dentures can vary depending on several factors, including the case's complexity and the materials used.

Making partial dentures can take a few weeks to a few months. The first step is to take impressions of the patient's gums and remaining teeth. These impressions are then used to create a model of the patient's mouth, which is used to design and build the dentures.

After the dentures are fabricated, the patient will need to come in for a fitting, and any necessary adjustments will be made.

What can you not eat with partial dentures?

When you have partial dentures, there are certain foods you should avoid eating to keep your dentures in good condition and prevent discomfort or damage. Some foods to avoid include:

Hard foods: Foods such as raw carrots, apples, and nuts can be difficult to chew and may cause damage to the dentures or cause them to become dislodged.

Sticky foods: Foods such as sweets, caramel, and gum can become stuck in the dentures and may be difficult to remove.

Chewy foods: Foods such as steak, bagels, and chewing gum can cause dentures to move around in the mouth and cause discomfort.

Foods that require a lot of chewing: Foods such as popcorn, corn on the cob, and crusty bread may require a lot of chewing and can cause the dentures to become loose or dislodged.

Hot or spicy foods: Foods that are too hot or spicy can cause discomfort or sore spots in the mouth.

Foods with small seeds, grains, or nuts: These small particles can easily get stuck in the dentures and cause discomfort or damage.

It's important to note that with time, as you get used to wearing the dentures and learn to chew properly with them, you may be able to eat a wider variety of foods. As always, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene and to have regular check-ups with your dentist to ensure that your dentures fit properly and to detect any early signs of complications.

Of course, the above isn't an exhaustive list by any means. If you have more questions about partial dentures, don't hesitate to contact Walkinstown Dental Studio directly.



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